Love is at the heart...
...of every spirituality.
What about religion, faith and spirituality?
Gigi Strehler, Founder of Near Death Experience UK, felt a very strong revelation during her NDE which is in essence - "It is your deeds not your creed that matters..." - therefore faith, morality, values and spirituality are at the crux of most behaviour change after an NDE. You may have been an atheist and come face to face with what you now come to believe is some sort of deity. You may have had a strong faith which you now abandon in favour of general spirituality. Perhaps you may no longer be able to follow one particular religious path so fervently. Maybe you feel the contrary and want to rekindle a dwindling faith more passionately. Maybe you have no words to describe your encounter. Maybe you struggle to define it now - The Source, The Energy, The Universe, The Light, The Lord, The Om, The God, The Love, The Bliss...
Where do I go from here?
Whilst we have no particular religious affiliation or spiritual alignment, we do recognise how simultaneously important and irrelevant such matters become to those that have had an NDE and those around them that are affected. What we openheartedly encourage is talking about experiences and finding the most fruitful way for you to understand and learn from your own experience. If you are having difficulties severing from your religious community as a result of your experience, or are seeking ways to become closer and engage more wholeheartedly with one - either way we would like to encourage your choices as they are most likely informed by the overwhelming love you felt during your NDE. Whilst not every NDE is pleasant and shrouded in light, peace and love, if you have had a negative NDE with demonic or frightening energies or perhaps an overwhelming destructive "life review" or judgement process, we can talk through your experience and help bring you back into balance with a life you would like to live from this point on. There is no shame in a negative NDE nor necessarily is it a reflection of your spirit, but all experiences can be taken as a journey of learning and a wonderful opportunity for development and change.
Gigi Strehler, Founder of Near Death Experience UK, felt a very strong revelation during her NDE which is in essence - "It is your deeds not your creed that matters..." - therefore faith, morality, values and spirituality are at the crux of most behaviour change after an NDE. You may have been an atheist and come face to face with what you now come to believe is some sort of deity. You may have had a strong faith which you now abandon in favour of general spirituality. Perhaps you may no longer be able to follow one particular religious path so fervently. Maybe you feel the contrary and want to rekindle a dwindling faith more passionately. Maybe you have no words to describe your encounter. Maybe you struggle to define it now - The Source, The Energy, The Universe, The Light, The Lord, The Om, The God, The Love, The Bliss...
Where do I go from here?
Whilst we have no particular religious affiliation or spiritual alignment, we do recognise how simultaneously important and irrelevant such matters become to those that have had an NDE and those around them that are affected. What we openheartedly encourage is talking about experiences and finding the most fruitful way for you to understand and learn from your own experience. If you are having difficulties severing from your religious community as a result of your experience, or are seeking ways to become closer and engage more wholeheartedly with one - either way we would like to encourage your choices as they are most likely informed by the overwhelming love you felt during your NDE. Whilst not every NDE is pleasant and shrouded in light, peace and love, if you have had a negative NDE with demonic or frightening energies or perhaps an overwhelming destructive "life review" or judgement process, we can talk through your experience and help bring you back into balance with a life you would like to live from this point on. There is no shame in a negative NDE nor necessarily is it a reflection of your spirit, but all experiences can be taken as a journey of learning and a wonderful opportunity for development and change.