Who we are...
...why we're here.
Gigi Strehler
Founder [email protected] Having had her own NDE in 2011 and finding that there was no support network set up in the UK, Gigi felt a need to start Britain's first group in order to connect people with similar experiences and provide a forum where survivors could exchange knowledge and offer advice, support & friendship in dealing with many of the PTSD symptoms suffered. She firmly believes that peer-to-peer awareness and understanding, in the stark absence of professional counselling and psychotherapy, is the only way to help people adjust to their new lives after a profound experience and help them to re-establish and re-build their lives. She also feels that spouses, children, family members, friends and peers should also be supported in their journey, as they are often at the front line of helping a person who has had an NDE. She is available for talks at medical conferences, NDE conventions and heads up the group meetings. |
Dr. Penny Sartori
Associate Researcher, Lecturer & Author Dr. Sartori is Britain's leading NDE researcher and author of four books including the best seller "The Wisdom Of Near Death Experiences". Penny spent over two decades as an Intensive Care Nurse and was awarded a PhD for her extensive research into NDEs. She lectures extensively on the subject and her work has received the attention of HRH Prince Charles. She has made countless TV, radio and international appearances in her native Wales, Spain, France & USA. She has also lectured at countless Universities and spoken at conferences including The Wellcome Trust, The British Psychological Society, The Society for Psychical Research, The Welsh Intensive Care Society, The Royal College of Nursing and The Alister Hardy Society. For more information on Dr. Sartori's work, please visit www.drpennysartori.com. |
Rachel Langford
Associate Researcher [email protected] Rachel Langford is a neuroscience researcher, lecturer and clinician. Some of her areas of interest are: consciousness and behaviour, brain functions in minimally conscious states in the medical setting, brain treatment for ADHD, and the neuroscience of romantic relationships. She is the head of a Neurotherapy clinic in North West London. With neuro-scientific and medical related techniques, the clinic offers treatment for children and adults suffering from ADD and ADHD. It specialises in assessment of brain function, personalised neurofeedback training and hemoencephalography training. Rachel is currently focusing on consciousness and awareness neuroscience research (PhD). Her interest in altered states of consciousness and NDEs has led her to join our research department. If you wish to participate in our research project, click here. |
Haydee Ayala
Skills Science & Development [email protected] Haydee worked for eleven years in South America as a specialized nurse assistant in intensive care and intermediate care of A&E. She holds a degree in Psychology, is a Master Reiki Teacher with a diploma in Reflexology - which offers crucial key concepts on how energy flow interacts within the human body through the various systems, organs and bloodstream, influencing health. Haydee is a member of The British Psychological Society and has been mentoring psychology students; sharing her knowledge and various techniques that have previously proved useful for her and others. Haydee practices Reiki as part of her complimentary therapies and has also created an additional mechanism of support and dialogue for individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - enabling them to find relief from symptoms with continued emotional support. Please contact Haydee for more information on her healing practices through Reiki. |